About This Course
Globalization changes the modern world and many things around us by making it increasingly interconnected and interdependent. It changes the way how we work, how we communicate and more importantly how we connect to each other. Innovations and modern infrastructure improvements have made our travels faster and more efficient so we can move from all corners of the world to the global mega-cities and cultural centers, such as Paris, New York, Seoul or Almaty. The Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) have allowed us to our classmates, colleagues, friends and relatives as never before. At the same time, we can reach out and join the global communities discussing and working on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
This course focuses on learning about rapidly changing nature of global culture, communication, economics and the identities of new “network societies” caused by the spread of network connectivity and the rise of ICT. The students have an opportunity to complete this online course learning about globalization, the rise of ICTs and new social media, the rise of “creative class” and global citizenship, globalization of cultures and education, Sustainable Development Growth (SDGs) and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the rise of smart mega-cities and sustainable urbanization, and more.
This course is for all students and representatives of general public and NGOs who have interest in the work of the UN, globalization, global citizenship and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The course will be conducted in English therefore it is essential to have English (listening and writing) at the intermediate level.
Every student should prepare two case studies that are based on their personal experience and research interest. These case studies will be discussed at the class meetings.
English is the language of instruction for this course in English. Some discussions will be conducted in both Russian and English.
Course objectives
The course’s learning goals include as follows:
- to expose the students to the core concepts within the field of Globalization, GCE, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);
- to identify social, environmental and economic benefits and identify enabling conditions for developing global citizenship and stainable economy;
- to develop practical problem solving skills that relevant for educated decision-making in developing countries;
- to strengthen analytical and critical thinking skills;
- to learn about economic and financial instruments, institutional improvements, capacity building, application of SDGs and environmental standards at university, local and national levels.
Course Staff
Abazov Rafis
Dr Rafis Abazov is a visiting professor and the director of the Ban Ki-Moon Institute for Sustainable Development at Al Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, where he also manages a joint program with Earth Institute of Columbia University (New York, USA). He has written 10 books, including The Culture and Customs of the Central Asian Republics (2007) and has regularly contributed op-eds to The New York Times and maintains his page at the QS Topuniversities blogpage. Mr Abazov enjoys collecting rare books on British exploration of Central Asia and reading travelogues on Central Asia and the Middle East by Eugene Schuyler, Vladimir Bartold and Lord George Curzon. He has also authored photo exhibitions about his trips to Central Asian republics, Turkey and Afghanistan. Contact info: Office 1408 Rectorat, 71 Al Farabi Ave., Al Farabi KazNU, Almaty, 050040, Kazakhstan
- JoAnn A. Chirico, Globalization: Prospects and Problems. 1st Edition. New York: SAGE Publications, 2013.
George Ritzer and Paul Dean, Globalization: A Basic Text (Wiley Desktop Editions) 2nd Edition. New York: Wiley-Blackwell, 2015.
Florida, Richard, The Rise of the Creative Class. Revised and Expanded. New York: Basic Books, 2014
Joseph Stiglitz. Globalization and its Discontent: Anti-Globalization in the Era of Trump. New York: Norton CO, 2017, (Part One: Globalization and the New Discontent)
Sachs, Jeffrey (Foreword by Ban Ki-Moon) The Age of Sustainable Development. New York: Columbia University Press, 2015.