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Information and Communication Technologies

КазНУ имени аль-Фараби
Enrollment is Closed

Қазақстанның жоғары оқу орындары үшін жалпы білім беретін пәндер циклінің (ЖББП) онлайн курстарына қол жеткізу шарттары

Құрметті тыңдаушылар!
Жаппай ашық онлайн курстарды университеттің оқу үдерісіне қосу мақсатында жасалатын ЖББП циклінің онлайн курстарына сараптамалық бағалау – өтінім бойынша беріледі.
Ол үшін сілтеме арқылы өтіп өтінімді толтырыңыз.
Өтінімді қарастырғаннан кейін әл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ мамандары сізбен байланысады.
Құрметпен, әл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ ЖАОК орталығы.

Условия доступа к онлайн курсам цикла общеобразовательных дисциплин (ООД) для высших учебных заведений Казахстана

Уважаемые слушатели!
Доступ к экспертной оценке онлайн курсов цикла ООД для включения данных МООК в образовательный процесс вуза предоставляется по запросу.
Для этого нужно заполнить заявку, пройдя по ссылке.
Специалисты КазНУ им.аль-Фараби свяжутся с Вами после обработки заявки.
С уважением, Центр МООК КазНУ им.аль-Фараби.

About This Course

It is an introduction course to the world of computer science. In this course being studied the history of developing of ICT, its benefits for the modern society, principles of its work from hardware and software to human computer interaction. Also this course includes practice classes in writing documents, creating a web page, work with Microsoft Excel and Access. Also shows the perspective fields of ICT like Green technologies, Smart houses, Artificial Intelligence, E-technologies and learn how to work with them.

The purpose of the course

To teach students the basics of computer literacy and introduce the basic concepts of computer science. Course can be useful both for future IT specialists and for those who wish to expand their horizons and gain practical skills.


History of ICT and its role in development of society
Learn about important stages in history of developing of ICT; describe the digital revolution and talk about importance of ICT in our everyday life
Introduction to computer systems. Architecture of computer
Learn how information is stored and processed in computer and examine the main hardware parts of it.
Software. Operating systems
Learn all about computer software, different types of it and principles of it work.
Human-computer interaction
Learn how people design, implement and use interactive computer systems and how computers affect individuals, organizations, and society.
Database systems
Learn different types of organization of databases and gain practical skills in work with database management systems.
Office suits: Word, Excel, PowerPoint
Learn the theoretical foundations of office programs and get practical experience in working with them.
Networks and telecommunications
Learn main parts of networks including architecture, topology, hardware and software parts.
Cyber safety
Learn about main problems can wait you in the internet and methods how to protect yourself from them including virus protection and protection of your private data.
Internet technologies
Learn about developing of Internet, introduce to e-mail and social services. Gain practical skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
Cloud and mobile technologies
Learn about cloud technologies and its positive influence on modern society and introduce to the world of mobile technologies.
Multimedia technologies
Learn parts of multimedia with it’s applications for higher education, entertainment, health services, public activities and many more.
Smart technologies
Learn about smart technologies such as smart homes and smart devices, introduce to the world of green energy and environment friendly technologies.
E-technologies. Electronic business. E-learning. Electronic government
Learn about applications of e-technologies for study and business purposes. Talk about advantages and disadvantages of modern e-Government.
Information technologies in the professional sphere. Industrial ICT
Learn about tools and technologies that can help you to become specialist in your professional sphere.
Perspectives of development of ICT
Consider perspectives of developing of ICT in different spheres of life such as education, medicine, finance, computer science.

About the author

Course Staff Image #1

Sevryugin Ilya Valeryevich

2010-2012 – Master of Natural Sciences in Mathematics, al-Farabi KazNU.
2010-2015 – Analyst at TNS Central Asia.
2016 - Lead Expert at Professional programs development center.
2016-2017 - Lead Expert at Accreditation and licensing division.
2016-2018 - Lecturer of computer science at al-Farabi KazNU.
2017-2019 - Director of Center of career and professional development.
The author is responsible for the theoretical part of the course. Thanks to experience in various fields, the course offered by the author will be interesting to specialists of various future professions.

Course Staff Image #2

Nesterenkov Petr Alexandrovich

2010-2012 – Master of Natural Sciences in Computer Science, al-Farabi KazNU.
2015-2019 – Lecturer at Faculty of information technology, al-Farabi KazNU.
2015-2018 - Leading Research Expert at a Solar energy project.
2015-2016 - Winner of “Russian Start – up tour 2015 Almaty” and “Russian Start – up tour 2016 Almaty” in the field of Green technologies.
The author is responsible for the practical part of the course. Thanks to a great practical experience in computer science and extensive teaching experience, developed practical course will be very useful for both IT specialists and beginners.

  1. Course Number

  2. Classes Start

  3. Classes End

  4. Estimated Effort

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