Assel Nurgazina
PhD, MBA, acting Associated professor of the Department of Finance, Higher School of Economics and Business, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Assel Nurgazina is a graduator of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and Moscow State University. Being a qualified specialist in the sphere of securities market and financial education, A. Nurgazina provides wide range of courses at the Higher School of Economics and Business. She has strong practical experience in IPO, PR, IR. Her working experience exceeds 14 years, including work in foreign companies, state bodies and financial institutions. She has been providing tutor activity science 2005. A. Nurgazina participated in the realization of state programs such as People’s IPO, Improvement of Financial literacy and investment culture of the Kazakhstani citizens widely spread all over Kazakhstan. Total amount of publications exceeds 6 000 pieces. e-mail: nurgazina.asel@kaznu.kz